Discipleship Opportunities

A page for Discipleship Opportunities at First Church PCA

At First Church our desire is to see people become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ. But what does that look like?  For us it's simple, we use the Word of God to change lives.  

We have a variety of opportunities available, and they all serve one goal.  Whether it's a small group study in the home of one of our members, a Bible study here at the church, or one of the service opportunities that we engage in within our community, we love to see people actively learning what it means to follow Jesus and then doing it.  If you have questions about following Jesus, or how to get involved in the disciple-making ministry of First Church, talk to Pastor Ken or one of the elders here at First Church.  Our focus is on helping you become a more fully devoted follower of Jesus Christ.  On the links in the "Menu" to the right on this page you'll find a number of opportunities which are available to you. We'd encourage you to take a look and get plugged into at least one of them!