Project Philip

What is Project Philip?

Bible studies for evangelism and discipleship!

The heart of Bible League International’s global ministry is Project Philip. This Bible study program helps people around the world to understand God’s Word so that they will find new life in Jesus Christ. Project Philip Bible studies focus on the important connection between a trained Philip (Bible study leader) and those in need of the hope of the Gospel. The Philip clearly explains the need for salvation through Jesus Christ as he engages people in God’s Word. People find new life in Jesus Christ, and the Philip helps them become a vital part of a local church.

Project Philip Bible study training prepares and emboldens believers to help others understand and believe God’s Word. Throughout the world each day, children, youth and adults gather to study God’s Word and discover new hope that is found in Jesus Christ through Project Philip Bible studies.


Click here to find out more about the project and the Bible Leauge.

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